Accessibility and WCAG

nexxPLAY supports Accessilbility Standards and Techniques in all Player Versions. The Page/App Owner does not have to activate anything on any Platform.


  • supports ARIA Roles, Labels and Client Hints.

  • supports Haptic Feedback, where possible

  • supports "reduced-motion" Settings on various Levels

  • supports LRT/RTL Layout Flow

  • supports "forced-colors" Settings

  • supports Image Descriptions for visualy impaired

  • supports Captions and Audio-Description

Javascript SDKiFrame Integration

LTR/RTL Layout Flow may need some hints from the surrounding Page to work propperly. nexxPLAY via Javascript will follow any parent Container "dir" Attribute by default.

In an iFrame, this may be more difficult, therefore a special "direction" Attribute exists for this Purpose.


  • supports VoiceOver with UIAccessibility Frameworks

  • supports Accessibility Traits and Labels

  • supports Haptic Feedback, where possible

  • supports "reduced-motion" Settings on various Levels

  • supports MACaptionAppearanceDisplayType (prefers Audio-Description Setting)

  • supports "User Defined Caption Style"

  • supports Image Descriptions for visualy impaired

  • supports Captions and Audio-Description

nexxPLAY for iOS

android / androidTV SDK

  • supports contentDescription and "importantForAccessibility" Attributes

  • supports Haptic Feedback, where possible

  • supports "reduced-motion" Settings on various Levels

  • supports LRT/RTL Layout Flow

  • supports "System Caption Style"

  • supports Image Descriptions for visualy impaired

  • supports Captions and Audio-Description

Android WidgetnexxPLAY for Flutter

If your App wants to support LTR/RTL Layout Flows, make sure that the Application Manifest contains the "android:supportsRtl='true'" Setting.

Last updated