React Plugin

The nexxPLAY Embed Code System works also in any React Project. You can simply embed any iFrame Plugin to embed a nexxPLAY instance directly.

For more Control, 3Q nexx offers a dedicated React Plugin, that can be added to your Project easily. It supports all Streamtypes and Widgets and all Post-Message controlled Functionality.

You can find the Project here:

Basic Integration

npm install nexxplay-react

A very simple Usage could look like this:

import {NexxPLAY} from "nexxplay-react";

export default function TestPlayer{

	return (
		<div style={{width:"640px",height:"320px"}}>
			<NexxPLAY domain="999" mediaHash="ABCDEFG" streamtype="video" params="{{autoPlay:0}}" />


Supported Attributes

You can use the following Attributes directly in your JSX - only "domain" and "mediaHash" are mandatory, the rest is optional (if you need any other Streamtype than "video", "streamtype" is also mandatory").

Interacting with the Player

If you want to interact with the Player, use the "useRef" Hook from React to control the Player Instance. For Notification/Reporting on the various Player Events, you can use the "setEventListener" Method of the Player.

import {useRef,useEffect} from 'react';
import {NexxPLAY} from "nexxplay-react";

export default function TestPlayer{

	const player=useRef(null);

        useEffect(() => {
    	}, []);
    	function onEvent(event){
	return (
		<div style={{width:"640px",height:"320px"}}>
			<NexxPLAY domain="999" media="ABCDEFG" streamtype="video"
				ref={player} />


Available Functions

You can control each Player Instance after it has been created with the general SDK Functions from within React by using the "useRef" Hook and use its Methods afterwards.

import {useRef} from 'react';
import {NexxPLAY} from "nexxplay-react";

export default function TestPlayer{

	const player=useRef(null);

	function pausePlayer(){
	function seekToPosition(position){
	return (
		<div style={{width:"640px",height:"320px"}}>
			<NexxPLAY domain="999" media="ABCDEFG" streamtype="video"
			ref={player} />


You can use (nearly) all Functions, that are given in the SDK Overview here:

Available Events

If you decide to listen for the Player Events, you will receive all Events, that are given here:

The React Plugin for nexxPLAY also supports Widgets.

Last updated