Playback Control

The SDK also allows to control all Playback Mechanisms of the Player in every Moment. The _play.control.interact Namespace is used for these Functions.

There are two Ways to control a Player Instances Playback:

  • it is possible to use the global _play.control.interact.* Method with the Use of a Container-ID Parameter.

  • it is possible to call the Method directly on the Player Instance Object (returned by every _play.control.addPlayer* Method)

General Playback
//starts play, if paused and pauses if currently playing.
//is identical to play() on an Instance in "paused" State
//only possible on a Player Instance, that has not been started yet, but is ready to start

Playback of multiple Items within a Media Container

//swap to the next Item in a Container Element (Playlist, Collection, AudioAlbum etc)
//swap to the previous Item in a Container Element (Playlist, Collection, AudioAlbum etc)
//swap to exactly this Position of the Item List

Playback Mode

//this Command will fail under most conditions (as Fullscreen Enter needs a User Gesture by Browser Security)

Changing the Media Object


Interacting with connected Files and Downloads

//start Downloading a connected File, indicated by its position in the current File List

Interacting with connected Polls

//start Downloading a connected File, indicated by its position in the current File List

POLL-ID is the valid ID of a Poll. If POLL-ID is omitted, the Player will start the Poll, that has been connected to the current Media (if any).

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