Preview Links
For special Occasions, you might want to share a complete Player Page for external Users. Maybe even for a Media Item, that is not published yet.
To create a Preview Link, navigate within nexxOMNIA to the target Media Item, choose the "share" Button and open the "Preview Link" Tab. Create a new Preview Link and define its Details.
You can define in the upcoming Dialogue, which Features should be enabled within this Link and save it afterwards. nexxOMNIA will create the Preview Link URL for this Media Item and with the selected Features immediately.
You can also use nexxOMNIA API to create/read Preview Links for each Media Item.
Please notice, that by default, the Preview Link URLs will be based on the "" URL Structure. If you want to use your own URLs for Preview Links, use the nexxOMNIA Support Section to enable a Custom Domain for this Feature.
Last updated