Audio Player

It is fully supported to use nexxPLAY for playing Audio Files instead of Videos in the same Container with the same Dimensions. nexxPLAY will show the Audio ArtWork instead of the Video in this Case. This Case is also usefull, if the Player shall combine Audio Playback with Video Ads.

Nevertheless, in many Cases, the Player shall look more like a classic Audio Player and needs far less Space. There is no special Configuration needed, just style the surrounding Containers according to these Rules:

Micro Player

  • shows only a Seekbar, Playbutton and Times

  • will be automatically applied, if the Player Height is less than 64px

Mini Player

  • identical to Micro Player, but shows additionally Artwork, Title and Subtitle/Author, according to available Space

  • will be automatically applied, if the Player Height is less than 110px and higher than 64px

Every Player Container, with a Height larger than 110px will use the classic Layout (unless otherwise configured within nexxOMNIA).

Audio Player UI

Please also notice, that Video Players often use a black Layout – which is not common for simple Audio Players. The Design Colors for the Micro/Mini/Hero Audio Players can be set within nexxOMNIA and/or set via Player Override.

Playback on native Players

The native SDKs of nexxPLAY also support Audio Playback. In these Cases, the Playback also supports Download/Offline Listening and continuing Playback while the Phone/Tablet has no active Screen.

The Layout Variants "Micro" and "Mini" are also supported here, on Phones, Tablets and (in case of android), also on TV.

nexxPLAY for iOSnexxPLAY for AndroidnexxPLAY for Flutter

Last updated