Player Events
The nexxPLAY SDK makes heavy Use of various Events. In order to react to them, the Page must add Listeners to those Event Types, it is interested in.
The Playstate Listener
This is the most used Listeners and receives all Events, that are exposed by a nexxPLAY Player Instance.
The given Function will then be called for every Player related Event of every Player with a lot of Metadata. The Function will get an Object, that can easily be filtered by object.type
to handle only the Events, the Page is interested in.
Please notice, that this Function will receive ALL Events of ALL Players. If that is not desired, dont use a global Listener, add a Player-specific Listener with the _play.PlayerConfiguration.playstateListeners
All available Events
Here is the current List of all emitted Events (that are related to Media Playback):
Event | Description |
playeradded | a new Player Instance has been added |
startsession | the Player inited (or re-used) a Session |
metadata | the Media Item Metadata has been loaded, parsed and verified |
playerready | the Player is ready to start Playback |
startplayback | the Player is starting Playback (Content or Ad) |
startplay | the Player is starting Playback of Content |
maininteraction | the User clicked on the Player the first Time |
changemedia | the Player swaps to a new Media Item, that is not Part of the current List |
changeplaypos | the Player swaps to a new Media Item in the current List |
changemediaintent | the Player used virtual Prev/Next Controls, that have been activated (or the Playback has been finished and forcePrevNext is active OR ErrorExit has been disabled and the Player needs a new Media Item). This Event must be answered with a Call to one of the swapMedia Calls. |
showoverlay | the Player opens the Overlay UI |
hideoverlay | the Player closes the Overlay UI |
enterfullscreen | the Player enters Fullscreen |
exitfullscreen | the Player exists Fullscreen |
enterpip | the Player enters PiP |
exitpip | the Player exits PiP |
enterpopout | the Player enters PopOut Mode |
exitpopout | the Player exits PopOut Mode |
enterremote | the Player enters a Remote Display (AirPlay, Chromecast) |
exitremote | the Player exists a Remote Display (AirPlay, Chromecast) |
trickplay | the Player changes Playback Speed |
play | the Media Item is playing |
replay | the Playback starts again |
pause | the Media Item is pausing |
second | every Second of Playback |
quarter | every 15 Seconds of Playback |
progress25 | the Media Item has reached 25% of its Duration |
progress50 | the Media Item has reached 50% of its Duration |
progress75 | the Media Item has reached 75% of its Duration |
progress95 | the Media Item has reached 95% of its Duration |
ended | the Media Item has been played completely |
endedall | there is no new Media Item in the Playback List |
mute | the Player is muted |
unmute | the Player unmutes |
unmuteautoplay | the Player was muted due to muted AutoPlay, but is now allowed to use Sound |
showhotspot | a HotSpot is shown |
hidehotspot | a HotSpot is removed |
adcalled | the Player is calling for Ads |
adstarted | an Ad starts |
adended | an Ad ends |
aderror | ad Ad Error occured |
adclicked | an Ad has been clicked |
adresumed | a paused Ad is resuming |
adcompanions | the Player found Ad Companions, that can be integrated |
bumperclicked | a Bumper has been clicked |
error | a fatal Error has occured and the Player cannot continues |
intersection | the Player is more/less visible than before |
paypreviewended | the Player is stopping, as the Media is a PayPreview Item, which reached its free Duration |
presentationtarget | the Player was in PresentationMode and the User selected a Media Item for Playback in a Detail View |
downloadstarted | the Download of an Attachment, Source File or localMedia Process has started |
downloadprogress | returns Information about a started Downloads Progress |
downloadready | a Download has been finished successfully |
downloaderror | a Download has been finished with an Error |
newcontentrequest | will be emitted, if the SDK received an App-related Command via MediaSession (only android/androidTV SDK) |
closerequest | will be emitted, if the "back" Button in Fullscreen Mode (enabled via "showCloseButtonOnFullscreen" Environment) was pressed and therefore, the PlayerView should be removed by the App (only android/androidTV SDK) |
Please notice, that on iOS, the Events (Notification) have a different Name, that is built by the following Rule: "nexxPlay" + EventName.camelCase() + "Notification". So for example, a "pause" Notification will become a "nexxPlayPauseNotification", and a "changeplaypos" Notification will become a "nexxPlayChangePlayPosNotification"
Every Event consists of a Data Object besides the Event Name. Accessing the Details varies between Player Technologies, but in General, the Events provide at least basic Information of the Media, that it refers to (EVENT.mediaID, EVENT.globalID, EVENT.streamtype).
These Events are also supported by nexxPLAY for iOS and nexxPLAY for android.
nexxPLAY for iOSnexxPLAY for AndroidAdditional Listener Functions
Although the PlaystateListener is the most used Listener, the nexxPLAY SDK offers a variety of other Listener Functionalities, that can be used in advanced Contexts.
Event | Description |
addonrendered | the Player rendered an Addon |
addonerror | a Player Addon could not be finished and removes itself |
Event | Description |
widgetclicked | the Widget has been Clicked |
widgeterror | the Widget could not load the Feed |
Last updated