SDK Override Options
The following List reflects all Key/Value Pairs, that can be used in a _play.PlayerConfiguration
Player Layout and Control
Key | Values | Description |
adjustContainerDimensions* | [0,1] | If set to 0, nexxPLAY will never try to change the Dimensions of the Container, even if no width/height is found. This may lead to inconsistent Layouts. If set to 1, nexxPLAY will automatically scale Player Height with |
aspectRatio* | Float | Used, if |
playstateListeners* | Array | If you want to use a dedicated Listener only for this PlayerInstance, add an Array of Listener Functions here |
applyFocus* | [0,1] | automatically apply Page Focus to the Player after Init Phase |
dataMode | [api, static] | overrides the Player DataMode |
backgroundColor | Hex | overrides the Background Color of the Player |
seekbarColor | Hex | overrides the Color of the Seekbar(s) |
playerSkin | [simple, default, glass, glass66, float, centered, minimal, minimalwithtime, minimalwithright] | overrides the Player Skin - if you use a custom Skin, ask 3Q for Details, as its Codename is not mentioned here. |
loaderSkin | [default, doublebounce, material, metro, ios] | overrides the Loading Spinner Skin. |
audioSkin | [image, wave, hero] | overrides the Audio Player Layout (only applied, if Player is not in Mini/Micro Mode) |
imageScaleMode | [width, height, fixed] | controls the Image Scaling of Startimage, Background Image, ExitDisplay Image etc. |
popOutClass* | CSS Class | if the Player enters PopOut Mode, the given Class will be applied |
applySafeAreaPadding | [0, 1] | if the Player is positioned on the extreme Top on an Edge-to-Edge Layout not in Fullscreen, the Player will add Safety Padding on the extreme Top/Bottom Elements |
applyNotchPadding | [0, 1] | if the Player is embedded in a Website, where it may conflict with Notches, apply left/right Padding on the Notch Side |
titleMode | [0, 1, 2] | handles the Title Display Behaviour 0: never show Title, 1: always show Title, 2: show Title only in Fullscreen (Setting will be ignored on Audio Players) |
menuMode | [0, 1, 2] | handles the Menu Display Behaviour 0: never show Menu, 1: show Menu on MouseOver/Tap, 2: always show Menu (Setting will be ignored on Audio Players) |
scrollingMode* | [0, 1, 2] | 0: don’t react to Scrolling at all, 1: pause Player, if less than 50% is visible 2: switch to PopOut Player, if less than 50% is visible |
scrollingModeTrigger* | [0-100] | if Scrolling Mode is set, trigger the Behaviour on this Value (=Player is visible at VALUE%) |
bumperMode | [0,1] | forces or disables Usage of Bumpers on the given Media Item |
watermarkMode | [0,1] | forces or disables Usage of Watermark |
pauseOnPageVisibility* | [0, 1, 2] | automatically pause the Player, if current Tab is not visible anymore (wont be applied on AudioPlayers): 0: dont apply this Feature, 1: apply this Feature only during Ads, 2: always apply this Feature |
streamingFilter | 3Q Code | reduces Bandwidth Consumption of the Player to a maximum Value |
streamingFilterDataSaver | 3Q Code | this Setting works like streamingFilter, if the Device uses Data Saving. |
useContainerMetadata | [0, 1] | if playing a Container Media, the Startscreen can show Container Metadata or Item Metadata |
interactionsOnContainer | [0, 1] | if set, this Config influences, which Element is the Target of Interactions (like, rate, react, comment etc). It can be the currently playing Element (default), but the parent Playlist/Audio Album or Series could also receive the Interaction. |
enableStartScreenTitle | [0, 1] | if set, the Titles on a (possible) StartScreen are shown/hidden - without respecting the Settings on nexxPLAY or the Rules on the current Media. |
enableSeekbarThumbsBreakOut* | [0, 1] | if the Seekbar shows Preview Thumbs on Hover/Drag, by default, those Thumbs are displayed close to the Seekbar, so they may break out of the Player. If this should not happen, set this Value to 0. |
loadCustomAttributes | [0, 1] | if the Domain uses Custom Attributes and the Frontend needs those Values, set this Value to 1 to force Loading of these Values. The Frontend can access them with the getMediaData() Functionality. |
webViewRestrictionsDisabled* | [0, 1] | the surrounding WebView guarantees, that AutoPlay can be started without a User Gesture and with Sound. If this Setting is set to 1 AND the WebView does not behave like promised, the Payer may crash or influence the UI. |
disableTooltips | [0, 1] | if set to 1, the Player will not show Tooltips on hover/focus |
enableSEOJSON* | [0, 1] | if set to 0, the Player will not insert a JSON+LD Object to the Page, even if that would be allowed otherwise |
enableSEOMicro* | [0, 1] | if set to 0, the Player will not append HTML5 SEO Microdata, even if that would be allowed otherwise |
enableStitching | [0, 1] | if set to 0, disables Stitching for the given Media, if the Player would normally use Stitching for Playback |
abTestVersion | [1, 2] | if an A/B Test is active, force the Player to use the given Value for Cover Display |
enableSystemMedia | [none, audio, video, all] | defines whether the command center shows and is able to control the current media or not |
Player Functionality
Key | Values | Description |
autoPlay | [0, 1] | If set to 1, the Player will start immediately (if Browser supports this) |
autoPlayIfMutedPossible* | [0, 1] | If set to 1 AND |
autoPlayMutedAlways* | [0, 1] | in AutoPlay Mode, start muted, even if the Browser would support Playback with Sound |
autoPauseAutoPlayMutedAfterSeconds* | int | if set to 0, muted AutoPlay will run forever, otherwise, if will automatically stop after the given Integer (Seconds) |
autoPlayMutedAfterSeconds* | int | if set to a Value larger 0 and if the Player does not use AutoPlay, the Player will start muted AutoPlay without User Interaction after the given Integer (Seconds) |
respectAutoPlayDataSaver | [0, 1] | if set to 1, the Player will not start automatically, even if other Settings are forcing it, if the current Device uses Data Saving |
autoNext | [0, 1] | enables “RevolverPlay” / “Continuous Play”, if an |
delay | float | start the Media Item not at the Beginning, but at this Position |
startPosition | int | if playing a Container Item, dont start at the Beginning, but at this Item Position |
exitMode | [replay, loop, load, navigate, stop] | replay: only show Replay Button on Media End loop: automatically restart on Media End stop: dont do anything load/navigate: load Suggestions and show them in the Player (and start them IN the Player (load) or NAVIGATE to the Media (navigate) |
playbackMode | [default, pseudolive, story, presentation, scenesplit] | forces the Player to present the UI in the given Playback Mode |
mobileAutoFullscreen* | [0, 1] | automatically enters Fullscreen on first User Interaction (on Smartphones only) |
playOnExistingCastSession | [0, 1] | automatically play the new Media on a connected Chromecast, if this Chromecast was connected before and still able to receive Commands |
hidePrevNext | [0, 1] | if the Player controls a Container Element, it will show prev/next Buttons. If that is not desired, set this Feature to 1 |
forcePrevNext | [0, 1] | if the Player controls a single Element, if will not show prev/next Buttons. If that is desired though, set this Feature to 1 (the Player will emit an "changemediaintent" Event, which must be answered via one of the swapMedia SDK Functions) |
disableErrorExit | [0, 1] | if the Player encounters an Error during Media Playback or API Communication, it normally switches to an Error View. If the Environment can handle it, you can disable ErrorView for these Cases. Instead, the Player emits an "changemediaintent" Event, which must be answered via one of the swapMedia SDK Functions) |
enableSystemMedia | [none, all, audio, video] | controls the OS-level Media Detail Display and Control of the Player |
enablePictureInPicture | [0, 1] | enables/disables PiP Functionality |
enableFullscreen | [0, 1] | enables/disables Fullscreen Functionality |
enableSeekingButtons | [0, 1] | enables/disables Seeking Buttons |
enableAirPlay | [0, 1] | enables/disables AirPlay Functionality |
enableChromecast | [0, 1] | enables/disables Chromecast Functionality |
enableSharing* | [0, 1] | enables/disables Sharing Button |
enableSidebar | [0, 1] | enables/disables Sidebar |
enableInteractions | [0, 1] | enables/disables Interactions (like, rate, Favourites) |
enableTrickPlay | [0, 1] | enables/disables TrickPlay |
enableScenes | [0, 1] | enable/disable Scene Overlay Button |
enableDownloads | [0, 1] | if the Player allows Downloads normally, set this Value to 0, if its not allowed on this given Item. |
enableSwipeToSkip | [0, 1] | activates the Listeners for moving forwards/backwards to next/previous Element via Swipe Gesture |
enableAutoResume | [0, 1] | if the Player normally offers automatic Resume on last Play Position, and this is not desired in a special Case, set this Value to 0. |
forceShowPopoutSetting* | [0, 1] | the User Setting for PopOut Player Control only appears under certain Conditions. If the Player will be controlled by the SDK, it may be needed to show the Setting UI any way. |
webURLRepresentation | String | define a URL for the currently playing Media (for Ad Purposes or Sharing). This is only supported in native SDKs (and WebViews). |
Attributes, marked with a "*" are only usefull in a Web Environment and therefore not available for native Players.
Overrides specific for native Player Functionality
Key | Value | Description |
startMuted | [0, 1] | the Player will start muted if set to 1 |
adStartWhenMuted | [0, 1] | if the Player started muted AND the Player uses Ads, this Setting will control, if Ads are allowed to play muted too. |
Although the Web SDK also supports muted Playback and muted Start, the Overrides for this Functionality make only sense in a Web Environment with Web Restrictions.
Starting the Player muted is therefore the only Override, that differs between Web and native Players. Furthermore, native Players ignore any muted Setting, defined within nexxOMNIA.
Ad Management
Key | Values | Description |
disableAds | [0, 1] | disable all Ad Types in the Player |
disablePrerolls | [0, 1] | disables only Prerolls |
disableMidrolls | [0, 1] | disable only Midrolls |
disablePostrolls | [0, 1] | disable only Postrolls |
adProvider | 3Q nexx Code | overrides the configured Ad Provider Code |
adMinimalDistance | int | manually override the minimal Time, that has to pass between two (linear) AdCalls |
adVASTTimeout | int | manually override the Time (in Seconds), that the Player allows to process a single VAST Call |
adMediaTimeout | int | manually override the Tme (in Seconds), that the Player allows to process an Ad Media Item |
adBumperURL | url | manually override the Ad Bumper URL. |
adPrerollURL | url | manually override the Ad Preroll URL. |
adMidrollURL | url | manually override the Ad MidRoll URL. |
adPostrollURL | url | manually override the Ad Postroll URL. |
adMidrollInterval | int | manually override the Frequency of Midroll Calls (if Interval is the chosen Midroll Logic, in Minutes) |
adMidrollUseScenes | [0, 1] | if set to 1, Midrolls will be shown between Scens/Breakpoints. Otherwise, the Interval Logic will be used. |
adBumperThreshold | float | defines until which Video Duration a Bumper is used instead of a Preroll |
adExternalDataFuntion* | String | the Name of a sync Function, that the Player will call for additional Replacements in VAST URLs |
adExternalDataDefault* | String | if an externalDataFunction is used, the Default Value, if the called Method doesnt return anything |
Attributes, marked with a "*" are only usefull in a Web Environment and therefore not available for native Players.
Addon Management
Key | Values | Description |
commentBoxContainer | HTML Element ID | The ID of a "div" (or other HTML Element), that shall be used by the Player to render Comments (via Comment Addon). |
containerBoxContainer | HTML Element ID | The ID of a "div" (or other HTML Element), that shall be used by the Player to render Sub-Elements (for Playlists, Audio-Albums etc) (via Container Addon). |
recoBoxContainer | HTML Element ID | The ID of a "div" (or other HTML Element), that shall be used by the Player to render Recommendations (via Reco Addon). |
sceneBoxContainer | HTML Element ID | The ID of a "div" (or other HTML Element), that shall be used by the Player to render Scenes (via Scene Addon). |
albumBoxContainer | HTML Element ID | The ID of a "div" (or other HTML Element), that shall be used by the Player to render an Image Album (via Album Addon). |
filesBoxContainer | HTML Element ID | The ID of a "div" (or other HTML Element), that shall be used by the Player to render connected Files (via Files Addon). |
linksBoxContainer | HTML Element ID | The ID of a "div" (or other HTML Element), that shall be used by the Player to render connected Links (via Links Addon). |
tickerBoxContainer | HTML Element ID | The ID of a "div" (or other HTML Element), that shall be used by the Player to render a LiveTicker (via LiveTicker Addon). |
pollBoxContainer | HTML Element ID | The ID of a "div" (or other HTML Element), that shall be used by the Player to render a Poll (via Poll Addon). |
Addons are not supported by native Players.
Last updated